
At MASTAFIRE CERTIFICATION we have quickly established a reputation for helping builders, plasterers, plumbers, electricians and other service trades solve their passive fire rating issues.

Our professional team members can provide Consultation, Inspection & Certification on all Passive Smoke and Fire Rated systems, including Walls, Floors, Ceilings, Shafts, Party Walls, Joint Seals, Specialty Passive Fire Systems and Service Penetration Seals.

We work with products from all manufacturers with tested systems that comply with AS1530.4:2014 and AS4072.1.

Be it a Zero Boundary Wall, Party Wall, Beam Encasement, Insulation on top of a block wall, Repairs, Renovations, Insurance Work, Fire Rated Access Panel, Service Penetration Seals or any other Smoke or Fire Rated System; we can provide you with service that is more than just a Certification.

We pride ourselves on the number of clients that have used us on a single job and have now made us their passive fire certifier of choice.


Sometimes you are only given the bare amount of FRL information to complete a job or the information you are given does not match the system manufacturer or up-to-date manufacturer specifications.

Our team can help you navigate your FRL requirements and assist in selecting the best system for the job, which ensures there are no surprises when you finalise the job.


If you have an existing building and have got some concerns about your Fire Walls, Ceilings or Service Penetrations.

We can come out and inspect, providing a full report that identifies any non-compliant installations of the Fire Rated installations. Depending on the type of system installed and access we can also use a scope camera to conduct non-destructive inspections into wall voids.


We provide Form 12 and Form 43 Certification for Passive Fire installations.

As part of our standard certification process, we provide a number of physical site inspections, where we will complete detailed reports (as required) of any compliant/non-complaint areas to aid you in prompt defect rectification and peace of mind that the job is done right.

Once the job is done we provide Penetration Registers (As Required) and your Form 12 or 43.